Monday, April 23, 2012

How to evaluate Website Quality

 Below is the catalog, composed with a view to quickly obtain data for basic website quality rating.

1. Evaluate Standards
The webpage which fails to comply with the standards could have different errors, which are very difficult to predict. Starting from the problems in different browsers, to poor Google indexing. With the help comes the W3C, which sets standards and provides ready to use tools:
* CSS –
* FEED (RSS or ATOM) –
2. Evaluate Design
The design has many meanings, here it comes mainly about how the site will be looked in different environments. Is not too wide, too high and looks the same in Firefox or Opera.
* Plenty of browsers, systems, etc –
* Look at webpage in different resolution –
3. Evaluate Performance
Underestimated but very important issue: the speed of page loading. We can have beautiful graphics, animations and great scripts but the user may not wait for full page load. Remember that we need to count the full load, not just the size of the HTML source, but also images, flash, ads, scripts and dynamic content via AJAX.
* Popular, cute tool –
* Overall page performance –
4. Evaluate SEO Quality
Search engine optimization is a difficult and lengthy process but most mistakes are the same, easy and crucial errors that substantially reduce the Google ranking. The following tools, which very quickly learn us problems at the site in terms of SEO:
* Complete SEO Analyzer –
* Google Webmaster Guidelines –
5. Evaluate Linking
Dead links are strictly connected with bad SEO score. Good to have many inner and outer links, but not too many and all must live Google Webmaster Tools are very useful particularly for the analysis of the number of links from other sites.
* W3C Tool –
* DeadLinks –
* Google Webmaster Tools –
6. Evaluate Accessibility
Accessibility lies close to the Usability which is hard to check by machine. We have standards for websites accessibility and tools to rate it.
* Great, visual tool –
* Compliance with standards –
* Standard –
* Standard –

The above list is not comprehensive and thorough but gives a elevated prospective to rapidly confirm whether provided website has the basic and crucial defects and the website quality is improved noticeably

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